I like to start by running myself a hot bath. Baths are a really lovely way to relax and are so comforting and stress relieving. Shock horror that I'm not using a lush bath bomb right now and I've decided to opt for one of these bomb cosmetics bath bombs given to me by a friend at Christmas time. These smell awesome and are slightly cheaper than the lush ones so great if your on a budget.
Whilst my bath is running I'll cleanse my face. It's essential to take of any makeup before you get in the bath because the steam can open up your pores. The cleanser I'm using is the ultrabland facial cleanser by lush which is what I starting using once I ran ran out of my cleanse and polish and I'm liking it so far.
Once I've taken that off I like to buff my face a little bit with this mini mitt from soap and glory with wakes up your face and I also think it makes it feel really clean.

Can I please just add whilst doing all of this I'll be burning a candle and I wanted to share with you my new favourite scent which is beach wood by Yankee candle. This smells just like a hollister store which is quite
Once I get in the bath I like to use a face mask. I really like the Liz Earle nourishing one and the picture of this has seemed to disappear. It's quite moisturising and soothing on the face.
Once I leave my bath I tone and moisturise my face and get right to moisturising my body. After a hot bath my skin can feel a little dry and the cold weather is not doing my skin any favors so I'm using the body shop body butter peach which for any peach loving fans smells just like fresh peaches and is soo heavenly (so heavenly that I needed to o's on the so).
I also need to moisturise my hands and feet. As for hands I'm using the sanctuary hand cream which is a nice break from my regular hand food from soap and glory. It smells very spa like and quite relaxing and it leaves your hands feeling silky smooth. For feet I'm using heel genius which I also can't find the photo to but the photo might appear when I post it so look out for it. I put some of this on my feet and put on some cotton socks and when I wake up in the morning with super smooth feet.
I also need a lovely hot drink in a mug that is just as lovely. I got this friends mug for Christmas and I love friends. I've seen every one probably 3 times and I can quote a lot of them. They drink from these large yellow mugs in central perk (coffee shop) and now I have one with the logo. I like to drink hot chocolate but if I'm not in a chocolaty mood I will go with a herbal tea to help me relax.
I hope you enjoyed this post and please comment requests below so I know what to post.
Jaz xxx
a post on your 2013 favourites :P xx