Tuesday, 15 October 2013

general update and Q&A

Hey jaz beauties, today I'm posting a general update and Q&A. I haven't really had a little chat with you guys since I started this blog. So today I decide to post this to just tell you all a bit whats going on in my life. I can't believe it's October already, have your say September and posting regularly flopped due to issues with my blog but I believe it's sorted now but sorry if there are any problems with posting  So the second thing is that I am I planning to go to clothes show live this year so expect a huge haul. For those of you who don't know what clothes show live is, it's basically a 45 minute fashion show (a really good one) and then you can shop at all of the stalls like Barry m, models own and quite a few clothing stalls. A lot of the makeup there is discounted and there are some really good deals on lots of products. I do realise I am telling you early because the clothes show takes place in December but  this leads to me telling you that I am starting another spending ban. I am actually planning a shopping trip with cherry beauty so it will happen after that but that shopping trip will give me a chance to grab any essentials and hopefully quench my thirst for new products until December. As it is October now it will be for around 2 months which isn't long and until then I will use up the many products I have sitting in my beauty cabinet.
       Anyway I am also loving instagram at the moment and I am currently at 198 followers which is great for me!!! If you read my blog you will probably like my instagram where you can ask me questions for things like this Q&A. I am jazbeautyx so make sure you check me out!
       I am also questioning whether to start a twitter. I think that a twitter would really help my blog with new readers and again things like these Q&As. Let me know what you think about the idea below.
Question time!
first 2 questions are from the beautiful cherry beauty blog:
5 items on a desert island, what would you choose (anything)?
Good question. I think I would choose a close friend or family member, a motor boat (to get me off the island), communication device, a huge crate of assorted tinned foods as they wouldn't go off and a crate of water bottles. I think I bent the rules slightly but the thing that excites me about being trapped on a desert island (if  that excites anyone) island is being able to make a tree house and a fire (I'm weird).
If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
Well that's difficult I would wanna be so many. First if all a dog because who doesn't love dogs and I would have a wonderful owner yet the idea of licking people is kind of gross to me. Next a humming bird because they are beautiful and get to fly about which is so cool. Last but not least a lion, I'm a Leo so I feel I have an inner connection with them (again I'm weird).
What is your dream destination and why?
My favourite place in the world has to be California. But if you're wondering where I would like to go it would be New York because it looks just amazing. I've only been once and for a day because I was only there for 1 day due to a delayed flight but I still loved it. Also maybe somewhere hot like Thailand and the place is beautiful.
If you had to live on something for the rest of your life what would it be?
Probably french fries. I love salty french fries and chips, their just so delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'VE PUT THIS IN BOLD TO MAKE SURE YOU NOTICE IT!!!!!! hello new followers, not all my posts are like this, their mainly beauty, fashion... Thanks for following and enjoy my blog

thanks for reading

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